Keeping Lent
pray, fast, give
Lent challenges us to get our hearts ready for Christ’s sacrifice by giving up our time, our worldly pleasures, and our money. We’re to pray, fast, and give - that’s how we keep Lent properly and also how we grow as persons. Sacrificing our time, our pleasures, and our money helps us to see that God is enough.
How do I pray?
Think of your prayer as being consciously with God. It’s about encounter rather than pleading or speaking. Set aside some time to be with God. Listen more closely to the Holy Spirit. Recite the Jesus prayer if it helps to quieten your mind - ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me a sinner’.
What should I give up for Lent?
Choose something that you’ll miss - something that you know you’ll want but won’t have. Chocolate or beer or coffee. Or watching television. Or social media apps. And try to stick with it. Make sure you reflect and pray about the experience.
Why should I fast?
It’s biblical and Jesus expected his followers to do it (Matthew 6). Fasting helps us to grow in holiness like Christ, focuses our prayers, and reminds us of those who don’t have what we have. It’s an antidote to a culture of consumption and instant gratification.
What can I give away?
Give away your time and money to serve others sacrificially.